the Wedding Planner

Registry Offices

Registry Offices play an important part in legalising any marriage. Whether you are getting married in a venue of your choice, or in the registry office itself, notice of the marriage must be given. The Wedding Planner has a selection of Registry Offices who can give you all the information you require for your upcoming wedding.
Andrew Mackin PhotographyBT35 8NN
Ballykisteen Hotel And Golf ResortTIPPERARY
Ghan HouseCarlingford
K Club


Feature Registry Offices Article

MSPs Endorse Same-Sex Marriage Bill

A government committee has supported legislation that would introduce same-sex marriage in Scotland.

A majority of MSPs on the Equal Opportunities Committee have given their support to the Marriage and Civil Partnership Bill. Other members were not convinced by the Bill and voiced concerns that it did not provide adequate protections.

The new legislation still needs to go through a rigorous voting process at Parliament before it can officially become law.

Convener of the equal opportunities committee, Labour MSP Margaret McCulloch, said: "All of us on the committee recognise the validity, depth and sincerity of all views submitted to us on what has clearly been an emotive issue.


More Registry Offices

Aberdeenshire Registry Office in AboyneABOYNE
Aberdeenshire Registry Office in AlfordALFORD
Aberdeenshire Registry Office in BallaterBALLATER
Aberdeenshire Registry Office in EllonELLON
Aberdeenshire Registry Office in InschINSCH
Aberdeenshire Registry Office in InverurieINVERURIE
Aberdeenshire Registry Office in TurriffTURRIFF
Allison JanesSouth Shields
Amber Valley Registry OfficeRIPLEY
Anglesey Registry OfficeLLANGEFNI
Angus Registry Office in ArbroathARBROATH
Angus Registry Office in ForfarFORFAR
Angus Registry Office in MontroseMONTROSE
Antrim Borough CouncilANTRIM
Ards Borough CouncilNEWTOWNARDS
Argyll and Bute Registry Office in GighaGigha
Argyll and Bute Registry Office in JuraJura
Argyll and Bute Registry Office in ObanOBAN
Armagh City & District CouncilARMAGH
Ashbourne Registry OfficeASHBOURNE
Bakewell Registry OfficeBAKEWELL
Ballymena Borough CouncilBALLYMENA
Ballymoney Borough CouncilBALLYMONEY
Banbridge District CouncilBANBRIDGE
Barking & Dagenham Registry OfficeBARKING
Barnet Registry OfficeEDGWARE
Barnsley Registry OfficeBARNSLEY
Barrow in Furness Registry OfficeBARROW-IN-FURNESS
Basford Registry OfficeNOTTINGHAM
Belfast City CouncilBELFAST
Bexley Registry OfficeSIDCUP
Birmingham Registry OfficeBIRMINGHAM
Blackburn with Darwen Registry OfficeBLACKBURN
Blaenau Gwent Registry OfficeTREDEGAR
Blakelands Country HouseSTOURBRIDGE
Blakelands Country HouseStourbridge
Bolton Registry OfficeBOLTON
Brent Registry OfficeWEMBLEY
Brides & Flowers Of CamborneCamborne
Bridgend Registry OfficeBRIDGEND
Brighton & Hove Registry OfficeBRIGHTON
Bruce Munton MagicianGAINSBOROUGH
Buckinghamshire Registry OfficeAYLESBURY
Caerphilly Registry OfficeHENGOED
Calderdale Registry OfficeHALIFAX
Cardiff Registry OfficeCARDIFF
Cardiganshire Central Registry OfficeLAMPETER
Cardiganshire South Registry OfficeCARDIGAN
Cardiganshre North Registry OfficeABERYSTWYTH
Carlisle Registry OfficeCARLISLE
Carmarthenshire Registry OfficeCARMARTHEN
Carn PhotoSwatragh
Carrickfergus Borough CouncilCARRICKFERGUS
Castlereagh Borough CouncilBELFAST
Cheshire West & Chester Registry OfficeCHESTER
Chesterfield Registry OfficeCHESTERFIELD
Classic CadillacWolverhampton
Cockermouth Registry OfficeCOCKERMOUTH
Coleraine Borough CouncilCOLERAINE
Confetti Bridal GownsWest Sussex
Conwy Registry OfficeLLANDUDNO
Cookstown District CouncilCOOKSTOWN
Cornwall Registry OfficeTRURO
Coventry Registry OfficeCOVENTRY
Crear Kitchen
Croydon Registry OfficeCROYDON
Cutting Edge BridesBEXLEY
Darlington Registry OfficeDARLINGTON
Denbighshire North Registry OfficeRHYL
Denbighshire South Registry OfficeRUTHIN
Derby Registry OfficeDERBY
Derry City CouncilLONDONDERRY
Dewsbury Registry OfficeDEWSBURY
Down District CouncilDOWNPATRICK
Dudley Registry OfficeDUDLEY
Dumfries and Galloway Registry OfficeNEWTON STEWART
Dumfries and Galloway Registry Office in AnnanANNAN
Dumfries and Galloway Registry Office in LockerbieLOCKERBIE
Dumfries and Galloway Registry Office in MoffatMOFFAT
Dungannon District CouncilDUNGANNON
Ealing Registry OfficeLONDON
East Ayrshire Registry Office in CumnockCUMNOCK
East Ayrshire Registry Office in MauchlineMAUCHLINE
East Lothian Registry Office in DunbarDUNBAR
East Lothian Registry Office in HaddingtonHADDINGTON
East Sussex Registry OfficeBN21 4UG
Edinburgh Registry Office in EdinburghEDINBURGH
Eileanan Siar Registry Office in BarraBarra
Eileanan Siar Registry Office in HarrisHarris
Elizabethann FlowersSIDCUP
Erewash Registry OfficeILKESTON
Falkirk Registry Office in DennyDENNY
Fife Registry Office in CowdenbeathCOWDENBEATH
Fife Registry Office in CuparCUPAR
Fife Registry Office in DunfermlineDUNFERMLINE
Fife Registry Office in GlenrothesGLENROTHES
G N S Driver Hire LtdRotherham
Gate LodgeIreland
Gateshead Registry OfficeGATESHEAD
Greenwich Registry OfficeLONDON
Gwynedd Registry OfficePENRHYNDEUDRAETH
Hackney Registry OfficeLONDON
Haringey Registry OfficeLONDON
Harrow Registry OfficeHARROW
Hartlepool Registry OfficeHARTLEPOOL
Havering Registry OfficeHORNCHURCH
Herefordshire Registry OfficeHEREFORD
High Peak Registry OfficeHIGH PEAK
Highland Registry Office in Kyle of LochalshKyle of Lochalsh
Highland Registry Office in AcharacleACHARACLE
Highland Registry Office in BroraBrora
Highland Registry Office in DingwallDINGWALL
Highland Registry Office in Fort williamFORT WILLIAM
Highland Registry Office in FortroseFORTROSE
Highland Registry Office in GairlochGAIRLOCH
Highland Registry Office in GolspieGOLSPIE
Highland Registry Office in InvergordonINVERGORDON
Highland Registry Office in Isle of EiggIsle Of Eigg
Highland Registry Office in KingussieKINGUSSIE
Highland Registry Office in LairgLAIRG
Highland Registry Office in NairnNAIRN
Highland Registry Office in TainTAIN
Highland Registry Office in UllapoolUllapool
Highland Registry Office in WickWICK
Hillingdon Registry OfficeUXBRIDGE
Hounslow Registry OfficeHOUNSLOW
Huddersfield Registry OfficeHUDDERSFIELD
Isle of Wight Registry OfficeNEWPORT
Isles of Scilly Registry OfficeISLES OF SCILLY
Islington Registry OfficeLONDON
Kendal Registry OfficeKENDAL
Khara Pringle PhotographicNewtownards
Kingston upon Thames Registry OfficeKINGSTON UPON THAMES
Knowsley Registry OfficePRESCOT
Lambeth Registry OfficeLONDON
Larne Borough CouncilLARNE
Lavender BlueBasingstoke
Leeds Registry OfficeLEEDS
Leicestershire Registry OfficeLEICESTER
Lewisham Registry OfficeLONDON
Limavady Borough CouncilLIMAVADY
Lisburn Borough CouncilLISBURN
Liverpool Registry OfficeLIVERPOOL
London City Registry OfficeLONDON
Luton Registry OfficeLUTON
Magherfelt District CouncilMAGHERAFELT
Manchester Registry OfficeMANCHESTER
Mansfield Registry OfficeMANSFIELD
Merton Registry OfficeMORDEN
Millom Registry OfficeMILLOM
Moray Registry Office in BuckieBUCKIE
Moray Registry Office in ForresFORRES
Moray Registry Office in KeithKEITH
Moyle District CouncilBALLYCASTLE
Newark Registry OfficeNEWARK
Newcastle upon Tyne Registry OfficeNEWCASTLE UPON TYNE
Newport Registry OfficeNEWPORT
Newry & Mourne District CouncilNEWRY
Newtownabbey District CouncilNEWTOWNABBEY
Norma & June Fashions Ltd.PETERLEE
North Ayrshire Registry Office in Isle of arranISLE OF ARRAN
North Down Borough CouncilBANGOR
North East Lincolnshire Registry OfficeGRIMSBY
North Lanarkshire Registry Office in GlasgowGLASGOW
North Tyneside Registry OfficeNORTH SHIELDS
North Yorkshire Registry OfficeHARROGATE
Nottingham Registry OfficeNOTTINGHAM
Omagh District CouncilOMAGH
Orkney Islands Registry Office in KirkwallKIRKWALL
Orkney Islands Registry Office in OrkneyORKNEY
Orkney Islands Registry Office in StromnessSTROMNESS
Penrith Registry OfficePENRITH
Perth and Kinross Registry Office in AberfeldyABERFELDY
Perth and Kinross Registry Office in CrieffCRIEFF
Perth and Kinross Registry Office in KinrossKINROSS
Plymouth Registry OfficePLYMOUTH
Portsmouth Registry OfficePORTSMOUTH
Reading Registry OfficeREADING
Redbridge Registry OfficeILFORD
Registry Office in GlasgowGLASGOW
Renfrewshire Registry Office in JohnstoneJOHNSTONE
Richmond upon Thames Registry OfficeRICHMOND
Rochdale Registry OfficeROCHDALE
Rotherham Registry OfficeROTHERHAM
Rushcliffe Registry OfficeNOTTINGHAM
Sandwell Registry OfficeWEST BROMWICH
Scottish Borders Registry Office in DunsDUNS
Scottish Borders Registry Office in EyemouthEYEMOUTH
Scottish Borders Registry Office in HawickHAWICK
Scottish Borders Registry Office in LauderLauder
Sefton North Registry OfficeSOUTHPORT
Sheffield Registry OfficeSHEFFIELD
Shetland Islands Registry Office in Cullivoe YellCullivoe Yell
Shetland Islands Registry Office in EshanessEshaness
Shetland Islands Registry Office in Fair IsleFair Isle
Shetland Islands Registry Office in FoulaFoula
Shetland Islands Registry Office in North NestingNorth Nesting
Shetland Islands Registry Office in SandnessSandness
Shetland Islands Registry Office in TingwallTingwall
Shetland Islands Registry Office in VidlinVidlin
Shropshire Registry OfficeSHREWSBURY
Sian WrenHorsham
Silverline CarsShrewsbury
Slough Register OfficeSLOUGH
Solihull Registry OfficeSOLIHULL
South Ayrshire Registry Office in AyrAYR
South Derbyshire Registry OfficeDERBY
South Gloucestershire Registry OfficeKingswood
South Tyneside Registry OfficeSOUTH SHIELDS
Southampton Registry OfficeSOUTHAMPTON
Southend on Sea Registry OfficeSOUTHEND-ON-SEA
Southwark Registry OfficeLONDON
St. Helens Registry OfficeST. HELENS
Stirling Registry Office in CallanderCALLANDER
Stirling Registry Office in KillinKillin
Stirling Registry Office in StirlingSTIRLING
Stockport Registry OfficeSTOCKPORT
Stockton on Tees Registry OfficeSTOCKTON-ON-TEES
Stoke on Trent Registry OfficeSTOKE ON TRENT
Strabane District CouncilSTRABANE
Sunderland Registry OfficeSUNDERLAND
Sutton Registry OfficeSUTTON
Swindon Registry OfficeSWINDON
Tameside Registry OfficeDUKINFIELD
Telford & Wrekin Registry OfficeTELFORD
Thurrock Registry OfficeGRAYS
Torbay Registry OfficePAIGNTON
Torfaen Registry OfficePONTYPOOL
Tower Hamlets Registry OfficeLONDON
Trafford Registry OfficeSALE
Ulverston Registry OfficeULVERSTON
Waltham Forest Registry OfficeLONDON
Wandsworth Registry OfficeLONDON
Waterfoot HotelDerry
Well SuitedLeek
West Berkshire Registry OfficeNEWBURY
West Lothian Registry Office in LinlithgowLINLITHGOW
Westminster Registry OfficeLONDON
White Ribbon LtdCARSHALTON
Whitehaven Registry OfficeWHITEHAVEN
Wigan & Leigh Registry OfficeWIGAN
Wigton Registry OfficeWIGTON

Wedding News

LeToya Luckett-Walker is expecting her second child.
Charlotte Crosby has found a new romance in the wake of her split from Ryan Gallagher.
Lydia Bright has given a brutally honest interview about giving birth to her baby daughter Loretta.
Lana Del Ray has split up with her police officer boyfriend.
Actress and businesswoman Angelica Ross was left stunned this week when a simple Twitter post led to the discovery that her boyfriend has a fiancée and a child.
Ashley Graham has told of how she found breastfeeding "really difficult".
Susanna Reid is determined to celebrate her mum this Mother's Day despite being in self-isolation.
Actor and producer Lin-Manuel Miranda is learning how to homeschool now that his family are self-isolating.
Kristen Bell is bursting with pride for her two young daughters after they donated to charity.
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge's children Prince George and Princess Charlotte will now be homeschooled as schools close across the UK.
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"Wedding Registry Offices - UK Wedding Directory"